Here is a poem to help you remember the numbers 1-10. 

Learn about Numbers 

One, two, buckle my shoe 
Three, four, shut the door 
Five, six, pick up sticks 
Seven, eight, lay them straight 
Nine, ten, a big fat hen

buckle [] 扣住;扣緊;使連接
The child's shoes won't buckle.小孩的鞋子扣不起來。
He buckled himself into his seat.他坐在椅子上扣上了安全帶。
He buckled his belt tightly.他緊緊地扣上了皮帶。

shut [] 關上,閉上,關閉
Shut the window, please.請關窗。

stick   [] 棍,棒,手杖
Grandpa still walks without a stick.爺爺走路仍不拄柺杖。
I bought the child some sticks of candy.我給孩子買了幾根棒棒糖。

straight    [] 筆直的,平的

hen  [] 母雞

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe(Flash 版 可線上收聽)


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