實用生活英語~和購物(Shopping)有關的英文單字,片語,句子 (1)

shop for sth 買東西

=buy sth

She like to shop for clothes at the department store.


go shopping 去購物

shop online 線上購物

Can I shop with you? 我可以跟你去逛街嗎


I shop a lot. 我很會買東西

catalog 目錄 型錄


have a sale 廉售


be on sale 減價出售

They're on sale today. 今天特別優待


have…in stock (店裡)的現貨;有存貨

They didn’t have anything in stock.


The product is out of stock. 這個商品已經沒有庫存了

影音來源 空中英語教室 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHv9LL4ZPE8


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