徐薇教您說英文  October 16, 1999
中視第43集 銀行存、提款篇
    I’d like to open a savings account.

    open an account 開戶
    a savings account 儲蓄存款
    a checking account活期存款帳戶
    a deposit slip 存款單
    a withdrawal slip 提款單
    a remittance slip 匯款單
    I’d like to make a deposit / withdrawal / remittance.
    I’d like to wire money to my sister’s account in New York.

    wire 電傳

    I’d like to open a savings account.
    I’d like to open a checking account.
    I’d like to make a deposit.
    I’d like to make a withdrawal.
    I’d like to make a remittance.
    I’d like to wire money to my sister’s account in New York.

文章來源 http://www.khjh.kh.edu.tw/1223/ruby/19991016.htm


The government guarantees up to 3 million NT per person on deposits in a bank in Taiwan.

deposit [dɪˋpɑzɪt]  (v) 存款
withdraw [wɪðˋdrɔ] (v) 提款
wire money (v phr) 匯款
write a check (v phr) 開立支票
bank teller (n) 銀行櫃員
ATM/automatic teller machine (n) 自助櫃員機
exchange rate (n) 匯率

文章來源 http://m.studioclassroom.com/template_quiz.php?post=864&tpl_quiz_id=230


What is the procedure for opening a savings account?


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