
Halloween toys 萬聖節玩具
Halloween toys 萬聖節玩具

 Apple bobbing 
=bobbing for apples

Halloween Apple Bobbing Song (Apple bobbing動畫影音)

costume shop  戲服店
weird monster costume

werewolf   [ˋwɪr͵wʊlf](神話中)變成狼的人; 狼人

devil   惡魔
Frankenstein [ˋfræŋkən͵staɪn]科學怪人
clown   小丑
alien  外星人

flake teeth 假牙
blood  血

graveyard  墓園

owl   貓頭鷹
cobweb  蜘蛛網
ghoulish  鬼一般的

trick  惡作劇
play a trick on sb  開某人玩笑;整某人

Hallows 聖人
All Hallow's Day
All Hallow's Eve
All Saints' Day 萬聖節

All Saints Day 萬聖節

turnip   [ˋtɝnɪp] 蕪菁
lantern 燈籠

ember [ˋɛmbɚ]  餘燼

bad spirits  惡靈
keep these bad spirits away
scary offf any evil spirits
frighten away spirits

sacrifice  [ˋsækrə͵faɪs] 祭品;獻祭

Happy Halloween. 萬聖節快樂

Halloween is just around the corner.  萬聖節即將到來
Do you have a nice Halloween? 你有沒有度過一個美好的萬聖節?

We carved the pumpkins for Halloween.
We are carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lantern.
carve a face in a pumpkin
place a candle inside the pumpkin

What are you going to be for Halloween?
 I'm going as a robot.

invite children to dress up in costumes
knock on neighbors doors for treats


What will you go as for Halloween?

I will dress up as Batman. What about you?

A :我想我今年會扮小丑。我比較喜歡會令人毛骨悚然的服裝。
I think I’ll be Pennywise this year. I prefer spooky costumes .

Whoa! You’ll scare everyone away dressed like that!

🧟‍♀️Word Bank🧟‍♂️常見的萬聖節裝扮角色

-鋼鐵人 Iron Man
-蜘蛛人 Spider-Man
-超人 Superman
-神力女超人 Wonder Woman
-美國隊長 Captain America

-吸血鬼 vampire
-木乃伊 mummy
-殭屍 zombie
-骷髏 skeleton

-南瓜 pumpkin
-海盜 pirate
-美人魚 mermaid
-公主 princess
-巫師 wizard

►►►What’s your favorite Halloween costume?

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