depression [] (n.)【氣】低氣壓
a tropical depression 熱帶低氣壓
a tropical storm 熱帶風暴
A depression usually brings bad weather.
air current
the strong southwest air current 強烈的西南氣流
the Central Weather Bureau [] 中央氣象局
weather forecasts [] 氣象預報
1.the latest weather forecasts 最新的氣象預報
2.The latest weather forecasts showed the tropical depression
moving northward over the Pacific Ocean toward Japan.
Despite the fact it was unlikely to pass over Taiwan,
it would nevertheless still bring considerable amounts of rain.
considerable [] (a)相當大的;相當多的
listen to the broadcast 聽廣播
listen to the weather reports 收聽氣象報告
weatherman 氣象預報員
take proper measures [] 採取適當措施
precaution [] (n)預防措施
take some precautions 採取一些預防措施
store food and water 儲存食物和水
make sure windows and doors are secure 確定門窗是否安全
flashlight [] 手電筒
candle 蠟燭
blackout [] (n)熄燈
I was trapped inside an elevator during the blackout.
power failure 停電
in case of power failure 萬一停電
victim [] 受災者;犧牲者,遇難者
1. typhoon victim
2. flood victim
shelter [] (n)避難所
1. victim shelters
2. in disaster victim shelters
issue compensation to victims of Typhoon Morakot
rescue [] (v)(n) 援救;營救
relief [] (n) 救濟物品,救濟金;救濟,救援
1. Relief was flown to the flood-hit areas.
2. disaster relief work
3. a relief fund 振款;救濟基金
4. relief goods 救濟物資
evacuate [] (v)撤空,撤離;從...撤退;使避難,使疏散
evacuation (n)撤空;撤離;撤退;疏散
1. The village was evacuated because of flood.
2. Most residents had been safely evacuated beforehand.
3. refuse to evacuate 拒絕撤離
4. mandatory evacuation 強制撤離
beforehand 預先,事先,提前
mandatory [] 強制的
the Ministry of National Defense 國防部
soldier 軍人
clear roads
mud [] (n)泥;泥濘
reconstruct [] (v)重建
reconstruction (n)重建
far beyond one's imagination 遠超乎想像
The loss of money and lives is often far beyond our imagination.
death toll 死亡人數
casualty [] (n) (事故、災難等的)死者;傷者;受害人
official casualty list
cause great casualties 造成重大傷亡
the national flag flied at half mast 降半旗
in memory of 紀念
Government buildings will fly the national flag at half mast
in memory of those killed in the disaster.
mourning (n)哀悼
1. three days of national mourning
for the victims of Typhoon Morakot
2. The nation will hold three days of mourning
for people killed in floods and landslides
caused by Typhoon Morakot.