Moon Festival 中秋節
=Mid-Autumn Festival
autumn [ˋɔtəm]秋季, 秋天
festival [ˋfɛstəv!]n.慶典;節日, 喜慶日
barbecue 烤肉
have a barbecue 烤肉
barbecue in the yard
grill [grɪl] v.烤 ; n.烤架;燒烤的肉類食物
grill meat, clams, and vegetables
clam [klæm]蛤,蚌
pomelo [ˋpɑməlo]柚子
mooncake 月餅
filling 內餡
red bean 紅豆
egg yolk 蛋黃
lotus seed paste 蓮蓉
sweet bean paste 豆沙
jujube paste 棗泥
taro paste 芋泥
fruit filling 水果餡
rectangular 長方形的
round 圓的
yard 院子
look at the moon 賞月
gaze at the moon 凝視月亮
admire the moon 賞月
moonlight 月光
full moon 滿月
family reunions 家人團聚
We eat moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
我們在中秋節吃月餅 。
Moon Festival is a Chinese holiday.
On Moon Festival, almost every family in Taiwan have barbecues to celebrate this special day.
The Mid-Autumn festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.
lunar month陰曆一個月; 太陰月;農曆月份
以下文章來源 空中英語教室
【Moon Festival English: BBQ】
One of our favorite Moon Festival activities is to BBQ with friends or family.
Here's some useful English for BBQ! Happy BBQ-ing!
barbecue (n) 烤肉
foil (n) 鋁箔紙
coal (n) 木炭
wire rack (n) 烤架
steel tongs (n) 夾具
smoke (n) 煙
to grill (v) 烤
to marinate (v) 醃
BBQ sauce (n) 烤肉醬
sausage (n) 香腸
chicken wing (n) 雞翅
squid (n) 魷魚、透抽
shrimp (n) 蝦
clam (n) 蛤蜊
sweet potato (n) 蕃薯
corn on the cob (n. phr) 玉米
green pepper (n) 青椒
mushroom (n) 香菇
onion (n) 洋蔥
pomelo (n) 柚子
【Mooncake English】
mooncake (n) 月餅
egg yolk (n) 蛋黃
red bean (n) 紅豆
mung bean (n) 綠豆
lotus seed (n) 蓮子
green tea (n) 綠茶
taro (n) 芋頭
chestnut (n) 栗子
jujube (n) 紅棗
mochi (n) 麻糬
We need to buy some meat to barbecue on Mid-Autumn Festival.
My father is best at cooking the meat, so he's going to man the grill.
We're going to have a BBQ on our rooftop and enjoy the night view.
I bought some moon cakes to share with my family.
The Moon looks enormous tonight!
文章片來源 LiveABC互動英語報
看看 Patrick 一家在中秋節有什麼收穫!
中秋月圓人團圓,來看看我們的英編 Patrick 是怎麼渡過這四天假期的吧!
Moon Festival – A Celebration of Stories 中秋節英語傳說故事(嫦娥和后羿,月餅中夾著軍事機密訊息)
2007/10/03 The Moon Festival (高雄廣播電台-943英語通-節目內容)
Legends & Traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival (YouTube影音)
Celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節英語傳說故事(嫦娥和后羿,月餅中夾著軍事機密訊息)
How the Chinese Moon Festival is Celebrated in China)中秋節英語傳說故事(嫦娥和后羿,玉兔,吳剛,李白的床前明月光...)