
好心有好報 服務生獲1.6萬小費




上周二,一名神秘女顧客在西蒙斯(Kasey Simmons)服務的餐廳點了一瓶水,





原 來那天是老太太丈夫逝世3周年忌日,原本悲傷的她因西蒙斯的善舉而感到溫馨,

老太太女兒決定向西蒙斯道謝:「在每年這些最令人沮喪的日子,你令我母親的日 子變得美好……你堅持付款,


西蒙斯表示希望把這份愛傳承下去。(國際中心/綜合外電 報導)



Waiter tipped $500 for act of kindness

Grateful woman leaves $500 tip to kind waiter

Story highlights

  • Waiter Kasey Simmons paid for a woman's groceries
  • The woman's daughter later left him a $500 tip

(CNN)Kasey Simmons loves to make people smile.

But Tuesday, the 32-year-old waiter was the one beaming.

A customer at the Dallas-area Applebee's restaurant where he works left him an unforgettable tip.
"They ordered the cheapest thing on the menu," Simmons said. "Flavored water."
The total bill was $0.37. The tip was $500.
A note, written on a napkin explained why.
A day earlier, Simmons was shopping at his local grocery store.
In the checkout line, he noticed another shopper,
an older woman who was clearly despondent.
Other shoppers passed right by her. Simmons did not.
He spoke to the woman. She didn't explain why she was sad,
but Simmons lifted her spirits and even paid for her groceries.
"It was only $17, but it's not about the money," he said.
"It's about showing someone you care."
The tip at the restaurant apparently came from the woman's grateful daughter.
The note on the napkin described the mother's anguish
as she tried to go about her normal activities on what was the third anniversary of her husband's death.
Simmons choked up as he read the message out loud.
"On one of the most depressing days of the year ... you made my mother's day wonderful," the note said.
"You insisted on paying. Told her she is a very beautiful woman.
I have not seen this woman smile this much since dad died."
Simmons' kindness made a difference, and the daughter wanted to let him know.
But she did not let him know the woman's name.
For now, he can only wonder and keep smiling,
knowing that his simple gesture made a priceless impact.
grocery store 雜貨店

despondent  [dɪˋspɑndənt]  沮喪的

lift one's spirits 提振某人精神

anguish   [ˋæŋgwɪʃ]   極度的痛苦;苦惱[U]

choke up  (因激動)說不出話來


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