英國一位初為人母的新手媽媽露西(Lucy Hatami)日前獨自一個人帶著八個月的兒子外出吃早餐,
結果,寶寶在早餐店附近卻不受控制,嚎啕大哭了起來,露西也拿兒子沒轍。這時候,旁邊的一位年 輕小夥子,
幸好,年輕人的爸爸出面解圍,痛斥兒子的無理行為,還 要兒子幫忙買早餐給露西吃,讓她覺得非常安慰。
這位年輕人被父親的教訓,只好摸摸鼻子,買了一頓豐盛的早餐給露西,露 西也開心的享用了餐點。
brat [bræt] 頑童,小搗蛋;小傢伙
Boy tells mom in restaurant to 'shut her baby up.' His dad was listening.
Being the mother of an infant is hard. Babies cry, they poop in public, and sometimes when you take them out in public,
you find evidence that they won't get any easier to handle, even after 20 years. Just ask Lucy Hatami.

Hatami tried to get out of the house for some breakfast, but according to her recent Facebook post,
a 20-something brat at a nearby table had no patience for her baby's crying.
Fortunately, a fellow parent came to the rescue.

The post reads:
That moment when your in a restaurant trying to have breakfast whilst your 8month old son is crying
and a boy (early 20s) tuts muttering "I wish she'd shut that thing up!".....
Before I could even respond his dad comes up behind him clips him round the ear
and says "what and you think you were perfect? You were a right little sod.
No stop being a brat, go up there and apologise to her and offer to get her breakfast
as she clearly has her hands full!" So I got my buffet breakfast with waiter service along with a lovely coffee...
thank you to that dad who even after 20 odd years still remembers the difficulty of being parents to babies!

Great job dad! His kindness and common sense were so appreciated that Hatami's post went viral all over the internet.
Someecards spoke to Hatami about her story's success.
"I honestly wasn't thinking it would go as viral as it has," she said.
"I was just writing a fb status about the bizarre encounter I had."
So let that be a lesson to everyone with adult children out there: it's never too late to be appreciated as a great parent.