
Clean up the street.         打掃清潔街道

Clean up the classroom.  打掃清潔教室
Clean up the ocean.          清潔海洋


文章影音來源 空中英語教室


The automated clean up system and novel HPLC column have simplified the procedure of clean up.

Click Clean Up Now to clean up downloaded messages on your computer.

Keep the equipment clean during the shift . Clean up tools, clamps , hoses etc after each set - up.
保持每班的設備清潔,負責清洗模具 、 夾具等.

The Operation Clean Sweep manual lays down procedures for prevention, containment and clean - up.
取捨的操作手冊,程序,規定了預防, 控制和清理.

To eat fruit after a meal is really very refreshing, clean mouth, clean - up of gastrointestinal effects.

飯後吃一點水果,確實很爽口, 有清潔口腔 、理胃腸的作用.





我們學會了蘇打粉在掃除時的 10 種妙用法,那你知道其他打掃常用工具的英文嗎?今天就跟著希平方一起一邊打掃一邊學英文吧!

首先,說到打掃,我們最常用的單字一定就是 clean 啦,

clean 比較常見的用法是做形容詞跟動詞,有「清潔的(形容詞)、把…弄乾淨(動詞)」的意思,

而 clean up 也有「打掃;整理」的意思,口吻會比單用 clean 再強調一些。


◎ Tidy up 使整潔;收拾東西

You're grounded until you tidy up your room.(在收好房間之前你被禁足了。)

◎ Sanitize 給…做衛生處理、給…消毒

Please sanitize your hands after using the restroom.(使用完洗手間請清潔雙手。)

◎ Wipe 擦、抹

Don't forget to wipe the table after dinner.(晚餐過後別忘了擦桌子。)

◎ Polish 擦亮、潤飾

He polished his car before taking out his new girlfriend.(他帶新女友出門前把他的車擦得亮晶晶。)

◎ Deodorize 將…除臭

Odor 是「氣味、香氣、臭氣」的意思,加上字首 de- 就有把不好的氣味去掉的意思,例如:

He used an air freshener to deodorize the bathroom.(他用空氣清香劑來為廁所除臭。)

◎ Scrub 用力擦洗、擦掉、搓揉

Cinderella was forced to scrub the dirty marks off the floor.(灰姑娘被迫把地上髒污擦掉。)

※ 另外 scrub 也可以指醫生在做手術之前把手刷乾淨的動作。

◎ Sweep 打掃、掃去

We sweep our rooms every other week.(我們每兩週掃一次房間。)

◎ Rinse 沖洗;漱

In the past, people used to rinse their clothes in the river.(在過去,人們曾經在河裡洗衣服。)


◎ Broom 掃帚

◎ Mop 用拖把拖洗、擦乾(動詞);拖把(名詞)

Could you hand me the mop, please?(你可以把拖把拿給我嗎?)
Don’t forget to mop the floor.(別忘了拖地。)

◎ Vacuum 真空、真空吸塵器(名詞);用真空吸塵器清掃(動詞)

Vacuum cleaner 就是吸塵器,另外英式說法會用 hoover,同樣也可以當動詞用。

例如:vacuum / hoover the floor(吸地板)。

◎ Duster 撣子、除塵器

◎ Dustpan 畚箕

◎ Rubber gloves 橡膠手套

◎ Cloth 抹布

◎ Scrub sponge 海綿菜瓜布


baking soda  小蘇打粉




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