
opening ceremony  開幕典禮

at the opening ceremony

during the opening ceremony

on a trial opening day

attend the lavish opening ceremony

attend the grandiose opening ceremony

during a flag-raising ceremony


Chinese President Hu Jintao中國國家主席胡錦濤

world leaders  世界領導者


Better City, Better Life. 城市,讓生活更美好

urban sustainability theme

sustainability  [sə͵stenəˋbɪlɪtɪ]  永續性


a six-month event 為期六個月的活動

run from May 1st to October 31st 


pavilion  [dQtjapsQn] (博覽會的)展示館

They are looking around the Japanese pavilion.


China pavilion中國國家館

Taiwan pavilion 台灣館

Taipei pavilion  台北館

UK pavilion    英國館

Iceland pavilion 冰島館

Swiss pavilion  瑞士館

Canadian pavilion 加拿大館

South Korean pavilion  南韓館

Spanish pavilion  西班牙館

They are looking around the Japanese pavilion. 他們正在參觀日本展示館。




World Expo 世博

Shanghai World Expo上海世博

Expo park

Expo Logo

Expo slogan

Expo organizer

1.They are going to hold an international exposition.他們打算召開一次國際博覽會。

2.China is spending $4.2billion on the Expo itself, and much more on other improvements for Shanghai.

3.The Expo opens to the public on Saturday and will run through October.

4.visit the Expo expected to draw 70 million visitors

6.First Expo in a developing country the Shanghai World Expo site

* * * ~~~ * * *

international fairs

feature   v.以...為特色; ...作為號召

features almost 200 countries


infrastructure [taniqQukfqShfXR]

n.公共建設(如鐵路、公路、下水道等); 基礎建設

1.It is the most expensive and largest Expo to date, and local media have reported the true cost is closer to $58 billion, including infrastructure.

2.infrastructure projects public transit routes


visitor 觀光客

high technology  高科技

LED screen

the world's largest LED screen

an LED touch-screen

a 3D theater   3D劇院

a six-minute film

a six-minute 3D film

Taipei landmark 台北地標


a transparent cube 透明立方體

a giant ball

Yushan 玉山

Alishan 阿里山

facade [iQtkFg]n. (建築物的)正面;前面

elaborate outdoor performances

souvenir  [ˋsuvə͵nɪr] 紀念品


ambassador [@mte@kQgR]n.大使


laser light 雷射燈

searchlight 探照燈


fountain 噴泉

mobile fountains移動式噴泉

firework 煙火


Huangpu river黃浦江

flag boat  旗船


ticket  票

Standard day ticket costs 160 yuan

Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival  《清明上河圖》


showcase  使展現;使亮相

showcase their culture

multimedia exhibition

cultural performances

urbanization  [͵ɝbənɪˋzeʃən] 都市化


low-carbon  低碳的

low-carbon technologies

low-carbon future

eco-friendly  adj.對生態環境友好的,不妨害生態環境的


the biggest-ever multimedia event

the cost of staging the event


a gigantic animated baby

performer    演出者;表演者



1.上海世博官網Expo 2010 Shanghai China

2.Expo 2010 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3.A World of Fairs 世界博覽會1(蘋果派生活美語,可線上收聽英文)

4.A World of Fairs 世界博覽會2 (蘋果派生活美語,可線上收聽英文)
5.A World of Fairs 世界博覽會 3(蘋果派生活美語,可線上收聽英文)

6. A World of Fairs 世界博覽會4(蘋果派生活美語,可線上收聽英文)


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