Google熱搜榜巨星 第一名是碧昂絲
2014-12-16 16:16
〔本報訊〕儘管1年來婚變傳聞沸沸揚揚,西洋天后碧昂絲(Beyonce Knowles)仍受全球歌迷喜愛,魅力不減登上今年Google熱搜女性人物第一名!
據英國《鏡報》報導,33歲的美國重量級歌手碧昂絲今年以「家醜」最吸睛,5月時和丈夫傑斯(Jay Z)、妹妹莎蘭芝(Solange Knowles)一同出席紐約時尚派對,當他們離開派對,莎蘭芝在電梯裡疑似和姊夫起口角,對傑斯拳打腳踢,碧昂絲站在一旁悶不吭聲,所有過程都被電梯監 視器拍下來,影片流出後婚變傳言甚囂塵上,但碧昂絲也因此登上Google女性熱搜榜榜首。
電影《飢餓遊戲》女主角珍妮佛勞倫絲 (Jennifer Lawrence)今年9月不幸沾上裸照風波,卻也因此站上搜尋女榜第二,人美心美的女星兼聯合國大使艾瑪華森(Emma Watson)、搞怪歌手凱蒂佩芮(Katy Perry)和小天后泰勒斯(Taylor Swift)也是榜上有名。
Google熱搜男星排行榜第一名則是英國新生代歌手及詞曲創作人「紅髮艾德」(Ed Sheeran)。
Beyonce and Ed Sheeran are most Googled male and female celebs
Bey, 33, was at the centre of a frenzy of interest after husband Jay Z’s high-profile bust-up with her sister Solange Knowles in a hotel lift

Net gains: Bey and Ed
It seems internet users are still Crazy In Love with Beyonce as the singer was the most searched for female star on Google this year.
The 33-year-old was at the centre of a frenzy of internet interest after her husband Jay Z’s high-profile bust-up with her sister Solange Knowles in a hotel lift.
Video footage of the ruck went global and speculation over the celebrity couple’s relationship dogged them for months.
Hunger Games beauty Jennifer Lawrence was the second most searched for female on Google.
And Great British Bake Off queen Mary Berry also made the top 10 of online requests for information along with Harry Potter actress Emma Watson, and singers Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.
Chart-topper Ed Sheeran was the most searched for male celebrity, ahead of Jay Z, One Direction hunk Harry Styles and Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch.
Google’s annual review of who’s hot and the most talked about events of the year found Ebola was the No1 news story.
Luis Suarez’s World Cup bite, Scottish independence and the police raid of Sir Cliff Richard’s home also made the top 10.
The untimely deaths of Peaches Geldof, Robin Williams, Lynda Bellingham and Rik Mayall captured hearts with millions of fans posting their condolences.
Budget chain New Look was the UK’s most searched for fashion brand. Google’s Stephen Rosenthal said: “Our Year in Search gives us the best snapshot of what moved, inspired, shocked and intrigued us.”
Whose music would you rather listen to?
Top females
- Beyonce
- Jennifer Lawrence
- Katy Perry
- Ariana Grande
- Taylor Swift
Top males
- Ed Sheeran
- Jay Z
- Harry Styles
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- David Beckham
Top stories
- Ebola 伊波拉病毒
- ALS (ice bucket challenge disease charity) 冰桶挑戰
- Malaysia Airlines 馬航失事
- Luis Suarez bite 世界杯足球賽的烏拉圭球星蘇亞雷斯因咬人被禁賽
- Scottish independence 蘇格蘭獨立公投