Happy mid-Autumn Festival!
Enjoy a delicious mooncake tonight while you gaze at the moon.
Mid Autumn Festival 中秋節
mooncake (n)月餅
文章和圖片來源 空中英語教室
What's on the Barbecue this Mid-Autumn Festival?
文章圖片來源 LiveABC
1. 每年都吃月餅,超膩der~~
I'm so sick of eating moon cakes every year.
2. 烤玉米和豆干是一定要的啦~~
Corn and dried tofu are a must!
.....is/are a must! 也可以代換你愛的烤物唷
3. 甜不辣超級無敵美味窩!!
Tempura is to die for!
to die for = (形容某食物) 必吃,好吃的要命~(或是你覺得很讚的東西)
4. 吃烤肉時,餓死鬼必問句:
Is the food ready yet? = 食物烤好了嗎? 可以吃了嗎?
5. 等一下好嘛~~~肉都還沒熟咧
Hold your horses! The meat is not done yet!
6. 肉太老啦~(烤太久)
The meat is overcooked.
7. 不要吃烤焦/黑黑的地方,會致癌耶~
Don't eat the burnt/black part of the meat! It can cause cancer!
8. 如果在吃下去,我會昏昏欲睡 zzz
If I eat anymore, I'll go into a food coma.
coma =昏迷狀態
food coma = 形容吃飽後,昏昏欲睡狀態
9. 解膩的英文?
pass the grease
例句: I need some pomelos to pass the grease.
我需要吃柚子來解膩啊~~pomelo = 柚子 Are you ready to pig out on BBQ?
文章來源 https://www.facebook.com/AMCfanpage/videos/vb.292149730822140/1432168753486893/?type=3&theater
Picking the Perfect Pomelo
Mid-Autumn Festival is right around the corner, which means it is finally pomelo season again.
Many people think that the larger the fruit, the tastier it will be.
This is not always the case, however.
If you are looking to enjoy the best pomelos this season,
here are a few tips to help you out.
First, you want to choose one that has a large bottom that sits flat on the table.
It should have a nice pointed tip and a short neck.
This will make sure that the skin is not too thick.
Once you have the correct shape, check to see that it is nice and heavy because that means the inside will be juicy.
Finally, take a look at the peel of the pomelo.
A rich yellow color will show that the fruit is ripe.
The skin should also be wrinkled instead of smooth and shiny.
This shows that the fruit has absorbed all of the water in the skin, making the inside sweeter.
With these tips in mind, you should be able to go to your local fruit stand with confidence.
首 先,你要選擇一顆底部較寬,可以平放在桌面上的柚子。
一旦形狀符合標準了,再確認它是夠重 的,這表示它內部會非常多汁。
這表示果肉已經吸收了果皮中的所有 水分,使內部果肉更甜。
●be (right) around the corner 即將到來(= be coming soon);在附近
I need to get Cathy a present because her birthday is right around the corner.
●ripe a. 成熟的
Pick the tomatoes before they get too ripe.
●absorb vt. 吸收
Plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.