目前分類:其他英文資料 (390)
- May 26 Thu 2016 10:26
生活英文佳句欣賞 (308) A wise person listens before answering. 一個智慧的人懂得在開口說話前先仔細聆聽。
- May 26 Thu 2016 10:00
生活英文佳句欣賞 (307) Where words fail, music speaks.言語無法表達時,音樂繼續傳遞。
- May 22 Sun 2016 21:11
生活英文佳句欣賞 (306)Your words preserve or destroy life. Speak carefully. 你的一句話足以存留或毀壞生命。謹慎說話。
- May 22 Sun 2016 21:05
生活英文佳句欣賞 (305) Friends make life a lot more fun. 朋友讓生命趣味盎然。
- May 18 Wed 2016 19:10
生活英文佳句欣賞 (304)Find a wife and you find a good thing. 遇見一位好妻子,也就覓得了一種幸福。
- May 18 Wed 2016 19:04
生活英文佳句欣賞 (303)Joy is not in things; it is in us. --Richard Wagner 🎧用喜樂來開始這週的工作吧!
- May 18 Wed 2016 18:58
生活英文佳句欣賞 (302)It is wiser to be modest.做個謙卑的人是更有智慧的。
- May 18 Wed 2016 18:24
生活英文佳句欣賞 (301) All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. --Abraham Lincoln 我的一切,以及我渴望成為的那個人,都拜我仁慈的母親之賜。 --林肯
All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. --Abraham Lincoln
我的一切,以及我渴望成為的那個人,都拜我仁慈的母親之賜。 --林肯
- May 06 Fri 2016 22:35
生活英文佳句欣賞 (300)The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth.
- May 01 Sun 2016 12:31
生活英文佳句欣賞 (297)Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.
Focus on the journey, not the destination.
- May 01 Sun 2016 12:28
生活英文佳句欣賞 (296)If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
If you don't like something, change it.
- May 01 Sun 2016 12:18
生活英文佳句欣賞 (295)Your labor is not in vain. 你所付出勞力辛苦工作的成果都不是白費
Your labor is not in vain.
- Mar 27 Sun 2016 23:25
生活英文佳句欣賞 (293) Love covers over wrongs. 愛能遮蓋過去的錯誤
- Mar 27 Sun 2016 23:23
生活英文佳句欣賞 (292) Speak up for the oppressed.為那些受到壓迫和傷害的人們發聲
- Mar 27 Sun 2016 23:20
生活英文佳句欣賞 (291) A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. --Jim Morrison
- Nov 22 Sun 2015 12:50
生活英文佳句欣賞 (290) Glory is like flowers of the field. 一切榮華有如野花, 總會凋謝.
[Pearl of Wisdom]
- Nov 15 Sun 2015 12:25
生活英文佳句欣賞 (289) overcome evil with good 以善勝惡