我的家教是徐薇 [完整版] ep5 母親節特輯-餐廳篇2017/5/12
robot 機器人
robotic massage chair 像機器人般有AI智慧的電動按摩椅
robotic vacuum cleaner 掃地機器人
vacuum cleaner吸塵器
vac~ (古拉丁字)空的~
voucher (相當於現金的)提貨券;禮券
coupon (打折的;折扣的)優待券; 折扣券
meal 正餐
vegetarian 素食的; (n) 素食者
Do you have vegetarian meals? 你們有素菜,素食餐嗎?
I have two meals a day. 我一天吃兩餐
Don’t eat between meals. 不要吃零食
我的家教是徐薇 [完整版] ep5 母親節特輯-餐廳篇2017/5/12
Mother's Day
Each child in Mrs. Madoff's class knows just how to
celebrate Mother's Day. Jessica and her mom go hiking together.
Sam helps pick out a new kitchen table. Sarah and her dad
take Grandma to her favorite restaurant. And when a surprise visitor
comes to class, the kids learn how to make a handmade gift
that's straight from the heart. Here's a loving tributeto all the mothers,
grandmothers, and mothers-to-be everywhere, perfect for sharing
any day of the year.
celebrate [] 慶祝
We held a party to celebrate our success.
go hiking 去健行
kitchen table 廚房餐桌
handmade [] 手工的
tribute [] 敬意,尊崇,稱頌;禮物
mothers-to-be 準媽媽 (將為人母的孕婦)