下面兩則會話是摘自Taipei Times的BUSINESS ENGLISH^^

BUSINESS ENGLISH      Wednesday, Feb 10, 2010,Page 2
A : Lunar New Year is coming.
     Don’t forget to send greeting cards to all our clients.
B : The customer service department already mailed them out yesterday.
A : What about the prospects who are yet to sign?
B : I’ll make sure their cards get mailed right away.
A : 農曆新年就要到了,要記得寄賀年卡跟客戶拜年。
B : 客服部昨天已經全部寄出了。
A : 那尚未簽約的客戶呢?
B : 我會請他們立刻補寄。


BUSINESS ENGLISH    Friday, Feb 12, 2010,Page 2
A : I haven’t celebrated the Lunar New Year holiday
    with my family for quite a few years.
    I’m finally getting a chance to go home
    and have a family dinner with them this year.
B : So have you booked a train or plane ticket yet?
A : I’ve booked a high-speed rail ticket already.
    That will save me some time.
A : 我好多年沒回家過年了,今年終於可以回去吃團圓飯了。
B : 那你訂機票或火車票了嗎?
A : 我訂好高鐵的車票了, 搭高鐵比較快。




Young people clear about what they want from Taisui

     年輕人安太歲 願望很明確



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