
earthquake [ˋɝθ͵kwek] n.地震

[kwek] n. 地震;震動;搖晃 ;v.震動;搖晃

1.the earthquake lasted only one minute 地震只持續一分鐘
2.earthquakes are unpredictable  地震是不可預測的
3.when a quake hit 當地震來襲時
4.if an earthquake struck 如果發生地震時 earthquake suddenly occurred 突然發生地震
6.a massive earthquake hit the city 劇烈的地震襲擊這座城市
  massive a.大規模的;巨大的
7.The institute was established to help earthquake victims rebuild their homes.
8.When the earthquake hit, I hardly felt any vibrations
  on the bus.地震發生時,我在公車上幾乎感受不到震動。
  vibration  n. 振動;震動
9.Last year's earthquake was the most destructive on record.
  destructive  a.破壞的;毀滅性的
10.The Wenchuan earthquake became the deadliest earthquake ever in 21st century.
11.shallow quake 淺層的地震
12.earthquake-resistant  防震的;抗震的

shaking  n.震動,搖動
shake v.震動,搖動

1.the ground suddenly started shaking violently
2.the ground began shaking  地面開始震動

take place  發生
a big earthquake took place  發生大地震

shock n.震動
1.Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan.
2.foretell the coming of the shock 預測震動的到來
  foretell  v.預言

aftershock  n. 餘震
foreshock   n.前震

1.strong aftershocks 強烈的餘震
2.A series of aftershocks rocked the area around the epicenter
  epicenter  n.震央

tremor [ˋtrɛmɚ] n.震動;微動
tremor-prone  n.地震好發的地帶
There had been a tremor so slight that I did not even feel it.

magnitude  [ˋmægnə͵tjud] n. (地震的)強度,震級
1. an 8.0-magnitude earthquake  規模8.0的地震
2. an 8.0-magnitude earthquake caused great destruction in the area
   destruction  n.破壞;毀滅
3. the 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked buildings  

fault [fɔlt]  n.斷層

seismic [ˋsaɪzmɪk]   a.地震引起的
seismic wave  地震波

rush out  衝出去
rush out of the door衝出門外

walk away and out of the building 離開這棟大樓

find a clear space  找個空曠的地方

cover your head with a pillow  用枕頭護住頭
cover your face with your arm  以手臂護住臉

go out  不再燃燒或發光; 熄滅
There was a power cut and all the lights went out.

electricity was out 停電了

be left in total darkness  陷入一片漆黑

cut off most telecommunications 大部份通信被切斷

power lines  電線

check the gas pipe 檢查瓦斯管線
gas fire   瓦斯所造成的火災

pull over  (把車)開到路邊

stand against an inside wall  靠在室內牆壁

stay away from windows 遠離窗戶

panic  v.使恐慌;使驚慌失措

over 5,000 people were killed 有5千多人喪生
injure    v.使受傷
homeless  a. 無家可歸的
missing   a.失蹤的,行蹤不明的;找不到的
unaccounted for   下落不明的

be trapped in elevators 被困在電梯裡

disaster [dɪˋzæstɚ] n. 災難,不幸
1.get over the disaster 從災難中恢復過來
2.natural disasters  天災
3.a family disaster box  家用救生包
4.disaster site   災區

lifesaver  n. 救命者;救生工具;【口】救急的人(或物)

survive  [sɚˋvaɪv]
v. 在...之後仍然生存; 從...中逃生
survival  n.倖存者

earthquake survival tips

death toll 死亡人數
the official death toll

prepare for…  預防…;準備…
hope for the best but prepare for the worst  抱最大希望但做最壞打算
prepare an earthquake survival kit for your home

first aid kit     急救箱
an earthquake kit  地震救難箱
canned food   罐頭食品
can opener    開罐器
flashlight     手電筒
radio         收音機
battery       電池
water        水
food         食物
have an emergency supply of food and water   緊急備用的食糧和水
emergency  n.緊急情況;突然事件
emergency telephone numbers  緊急電話號碼

devastate [ˋdɛvəs͵tet]  v.破壞;毀滅
devastating a.破壞性極大的,毀滅性的

1.The earthquake devastated a large part of the city.
2.Many buildings collapsed when devastating earthquake occurred.
  collapse   v.; n.倒塌,坍塌
3.last month's devastating quake

damage [ˋdæmɪdʒ]  n.; v. 損害;損失

1.The earthquake caused great damage.
  地震造成了極大的損害。 badly damaged 受到嚴重損壞
3.earthquake-damaged  遭地震損毀的 an earthquake-damaged railway 修復遭地震損毀的鐵路

break out 爆發,突然發生

terrible  a.可怕的,嚇人的,可怖的
It was terrible.這真的太可怕了

It was a horrible experience. 真是個可怕的經驗

tsunami  n.海嘯

issue a tsunami alert  發佈海嘯警報

It’s better be safe than sorry.  有備無患



【Owl News】貓頭鷹看新聞:尼泊爾大地震

devastating  [ˋdɛvəs͵tetɪŋ]   (adj) 毀滅性的
earthquake (n) 地震
capital (n) 首都
Nepal (n) 尼泊爾
confirm (v) 確認
Richter scale (n) 芮氏規模
aftershock (n) 餘震
victim (n) 受害者
survivor (n) 生還者

A devastating earthquake struck near Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal yesterday. More than 3,300 people have been confirmed dead. The earthquake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. Powerful aftershocks sent people running into the streets.
As an island that also gets earthquakes from time to time, our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families today.
Moreover, we pray that more survivors will be found soon.








1.How to Survive an Earthquake

2.'Triangle of Life' Earthquake Survival Method


4.(蘋果日報生活美語)NEWS WORDS 日本地震引發輻射危機(1,2可線上收聽英文)

5.Live 生活部落~bug-out bag 逃生包~必備求生用品的英文


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