October 18, 1999
中視第44集 銀行匯兌貸款篇
What’s the exchange rate today?
exchange rate 匯率
I’d like to change $500 U.S. Dollars into Eurodollars.
change A into B 將A換作B
Eurodollar 歐元
I lost my ATM card.
How can I get a new one?
ATM card 金融卡
I have some questions regarding my balance statement.
Who can I talk to?
balance statement 對帳單
I’d like to change $500 U.S. Dollars into Eurodollars.
I lost my ATM card.
How can I get a new one?
I have some questions regarding my balance statement.
Who can I talk to?
文章來源 http://www.khjh.kh.edu.tw/1223/ruby/19991018.htm