


Chinese New Year農曆新年


1. temple n. 寺廟
2. ghost money n. 金紙
3. incense n. 香
4. incense burner n. 香爐
5. offerings n. 供品

6. worship vt. 拜拜
7. red envelope n. 紅包
8. sweep vt. 掃地
9. dustpan n. 畚箕
10. broom n. 掃把

11. lantern n. 燈籠
12. decoration n. 裝飾品(可數)
13. red banner n. 紅門聯
14. mop n. 拖把
15. bucket n. 水桶
16. fireworks n. 煙火(恆用複數)




New Year's Eve dinner 年夜飯(也可用reunion dinner,指「團圓飯」)

firecrackers 鞭炮

spring couplets 春聯 (couplet 是「對句」的意思)


‧congratulations and be prosperous 恭喜發財(prosperous 指「富足的;繁榮的」)

‧everlasting peace year after year 歲歲平安(everlasting指「持久的;接連不斷的」)

‧may there be bounty every year 年年有餘

countdown 跨年倒數 
New Year's party 新年派對

champagne 香檳 

fireworks show 煙火秀 

confetti 五彩碎紙片 

toast 乾杯慶祝  
The fireworks show will begin at midnight.

lucky money 壓歲錢 


圖像裡可能有1 人

圖片來源 LiveABC互動英語




寂天英語學習充電報~Chinese New Year 過新年


Chinese New Year 過新年

Chinese New Year is the big event of the Chinese year (around end of January───early February in the western calendar). It is a time when families, no matter how far away they live, come together to eat and talk. Traditionally, the mother and daughters will prepare special foods such as sticky cakes and rice and special dumplings. There are many unusual beliefs about Chinese New Year.

Although there is special food, some people do not eat meat on New Year Day. This is to bring them long and happy lives. The second day of the New Year, they are kind to dogs because this is considered the birthday of the dogs. On other days they will visit other relatives, give respect to parents-in-law and welcome the God of Wealth. Because farming used to be so important, farmers also have some special celebrations and make traditional drinks. From the 10th to the 12th days relatives are invited for dinner.

The house is specially decorated with flowers and short poems written on red paper. As we have seen above, red is considered lucky and white is the color of death. Therefore red is emphasized and white discouraged at this time. Children and elderly people are given money in red envelopes. The floor is not swept in case good fortune is swept out the door too. Firecrackers are set off and traditional folk activities such as lion dancing are enjoyed in the streets.

Today, perhaps not many people believe in the old ideas about good and bad fortune etc. However, they often like to follow the old traditions in the same way as Western people do.


雖然過年期間有很多特別食物,有些人在大年初一這天卻不吃肉,因為這樣可以讓他們快樂長壽。初二這天人們會對狗特別好,因為他們認為這天是狗的生日。其他 天他們會去拜訪親戚、公婆和岳父母,並迎接財神。由於過去農業非常重要,因此農民也有一些特別的慶祝方式,並會製作傳統的飲料。從初十到十二,大家會請親 戚來家裡吃晚飯。

過年期間家家戶戶都會用鮮花和春聯裝飾一番。我們在之前也提過,紅色代表吉祥,白色代表死亡,因此這段期間什麼都是紅色的,白色則盡量不用。兒童和長輩會 收到紅包。過年期間也不掃地,以免把福氣掃出了門。大家會放鞭炮,街上也可以看到舞獅等傳統慶祝活動。




影音來源 我的家教是徐薇 [完整版] ep31跨年用語篇 2017/12/27


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