post office 郵局
bank 銀行
letter 信
postcard 明信片
card 卡片
envelope 信封
package 包裹
parcel 包裹
return address 寄信人地址
address of the recipient 收信人地址
recipient [] 接受者
zip code 郵遞區號
postmark 郵戳
stamp 郵票
coin 硬幣
bills 紙鈔
change 零錢
safe-deposit box 保險箱
safe 保險櫃
ATM card 提款卡
ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) 自動櫃員機
passbook 存褶
withdraw 提款
deposit 存款 []
transfer 轉帳
currency-exchange 兌幣
interest 利息
interest rate 利率
monitor 監視器 []
alarm 警鈴
teller 銀行行員
security guard 警衛
money order 匯票
check 支票
stock 股票
chop 印鑑 []
armored truck 運鈔車
bank robber 銀行盜賊
loan 貸款
insurance 保險 []
Do you know where the nearest post office is?
The post office returned my letter
because I forgot to put on a stamp on it.
郵局把我的信退了回來, 因為我忘了貼郵票
open an account 開戶
I'd like to open an account. 我想開一個戶頭
a time deposit savings account 定期儲蓄戶頭
a one-year time deposit account 一年期的定存戶頭
a savings account 儲蓄戶頭
a checking account 支票戶頭
What sort of deposit account would you like to open?
The minimum time period is three months.
The longer the period, the higher the interest rate.
期限越長, 利息越高
If you withdraw your money before time is up,
there are penalties.
penalty 懲罰,處罰 []
I have to go by the bank to deposit some money.
fill out 填(表格)
fill out these form
hand the form to the customer
minimum deposit 最低存款
a minimum deposit of $1000 for the savings account
traveler's check 旅行支票
make out a check 開支票
Post Office郵局~Live生活部落‧圖解字典(可線上收聽每個單字的發音)郵件
Making a Deposit 存款; 存錢
Practice the Conversations of This Topic with Mike
A: How are you doing?
B: Great. Thanks for asking.
A: What can I do for you today?
B: I would like to deposit some money.
A: Are you depositing cash or a check?
B: I want to deposit cash.
A: How much are you depositing?
B: I would like to deposit $300.
A: What account do you want your money in?
B: I want to deposit it into my checking account.
A: Do you need anything else?
B: No. That's all. Thank you.
A: How are you?
B: I'm fantastic!
A: What can I help you with?
B: I want to make a deposit today.
A: Cash or check?
B: It will be cash today.
A: How much do you want to deposit?
B: I need to deposit $300.
A: What account will you be depositing this money into?
B: Deposit it into my checking account.
A: What else can I do for you today?
B: That's all I need today. Thanks.
A: How are things with you?
B: I'm fine. Thank you.
A: How may I help you?
B: I need to make a deposit.
A: Will you be depositing cash or a check?
B: I will be depositing cash.
A: How much would you like to deposit?
B: It's going to be $300.
A: What account would you like to deposit that into?
B: Could you deposit that into my checking account, please?
A: Can I do anything else for you today?
B: That'll be all. Thank you very much.
I must get some money from the bank.