婚紗拍一半新娘突尖叫 新郎跳河勇救溺水男童
日 前加拿大基秦拿(Kitchener)的一個公園內,一對夫婦正在開心的拍攝婚紗照,當新郎克萊頓‧庫克(Clay Cook)在等候妻子布蘭妮‧庫克羅絲(Brittany Ross Cook)拍個人照時,他驚見一名小孩掉進了公園內的一個水塘,他顧不得身上穿著禮服,直接跳入水中救人。整段過程全都被婚紗攝影師拍下,並上傳臉書被網 友瘋傳。
事後克萊頓接受表示,妻子正在拍獨照時,他發現一名男童在水中掙扎,他直覺反應就是跳入水中救人 「我只是把他拉起來,也不是做了什麼多偉大的事」。
布 蘭妮說事發前3名小孩都在玩耍,其中一名女孩突然將另一名男孩推倒跌進水中,另外兩名小孩就站在水塘邊看着水塘,當克萊頓走到水塘邊時,2名小孩就指着掉 進水中的小孩,像是在告訴克萊「他不會游泳」。她表示,自己看到小孩掉入水裡後嚇得大叫時,丈夫早已伸手救起落水的兒童了。
克萊頓救人的事蹟被當日的婚禮攝影師戴倫(Darren Hatt)全程拍下,並將照片上載到臉書(facebook)後得到熱烈回應,他大讚新郎的動作十分快,成功救了一條人命。貼文至今有超過8300人點讚,並且有超過2800次分享。
網 友看了紛紛大讚,「新郎做了一件好事!」、「這老婆太幸運了可以嫁給這種老公,因為他將會是一名好丈夫及好爸爸。」、「人帥又有愛心,真的是太棒了。」、 「這樣的拍攝婚紗回憶,相信畢生難忘」、「新娘有這樣的老公,真的是太幸福了!」、「很高興看到這麼無私的新郎。」、「為陌生人就這樣付出,可以想像新娘 得到的愛」。(吳雯淇/綜合外電報導)
Canada groom saves child from drowning
Image copyright Hatt Photography / Facebook
A wedding photoshoot in Canada took an unexpectedly dramatic turn as the bridegroom leapt into a lake to save a little boy from drowning.
Clayton and Brittany Cook were posing for wedding photos on a park bridge in Kitchener, Ontario, when the groom noticed a boy in distress in the water.
With no thought for his suit, Mr Cook jumped into Victoria Park lake and pulled the young boy on to the shore.
Their wedding photographer captured the rescue.
The images have since gone viral.
Image copyright Hatt Photography / Facebook
"For several minutes these kids were following us, and I was just keeping an eye on them because they were standing close to the water," Clayton told the BBC.
"Then while Brittany was getting her solo shots taken I realised only two were standing on the rock ledge.
"I saw the boy in the water struggling to keep his head up. That's when I jumped down.
"I just kind of plucked him out and he was okay."
Clayton's wife said she originally thought he had jumped in the water as a joke.
"We'd like to think most people would probably make the same choice," she said.
"As soon as I could turn around he had already plunked him on the ground outside the river," wedding photographer Darren Hatt told the BBC.
"So I just kept on capturing the story of the day, including this."
After being rescued, the boy appeared fine, if a little shaken, and went off with an older sibling.
Mrs Cook said her husband's quick thinking and selfless action were just some of the reasons she fell in love with him in the first place.
"That's Clay to me," she told CTV. "It's something he would just instinctively do."
文章來源 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41391191